In LEGO: STAR WARS, players can stop in the middle of their game to have a spur of the moment duel with their light-sabers. Here are the 10 best Star Wars games of all time. Start a new game or load a save file until you take control of a character. To enter the cheat codes, you need to access the Holoprojector menu. In 2015 they launched their third installment which introduced the entire Star Wars franchise into their sandbox action-adventure game. There are a lot of Star Wars games, and although most of them are bad, there are some excellent ones, too. Below is the list of all currently known cheat codes to unlock bonus characters and rewards in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. A STAR WARS game wouldn't be complete without light-saber action. When Skylanders proved just how profitable toys-to-life games can be, Disney soon jumped on the bandwagon with their Infinity series. When a character comes upon an area or door that seems impossible to penetrate, they can utilize the basic physics behind Lego's, demolish, and reconstruct structures in order to obtain entrance to new areas. Because the game is presented as Lego's, force can be manipulated to the player's advantage. In fact, the creators have blended the Lego characters and structures so well with the settings that the entire effect only assists in enhancing the entire game experience.
The look and feel of the science fiction backdrop isn't diminished at all by the presence of Lego's. The LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga full opening cinematic with sound and full, unique title card animations from all of the LEGO minifigures. LEGOS: STAR WARS offers a simple yet effective control combination that can be done without being highly skilled with the D-pad.